Photoshooting etc.

Oh new followers ~ (feel awesome >D,okay *ahum*..) but asdfg really thanks for you all guys who read my blog.  You're bothered to read my blog and I hope you understand my bad English. But I try my best with my english.  ^^' And thanks course for all visitors ~

But anygays! Last weekend I had little photoshooting with my friend. We take some picture of my Ren and Rin cosplay. Well it was little dark when we took pictures of Ren cosplay. And well those weren't pretty good. But at least I got some pictures of that cosplay. I wanted to take new pictures of my Meltdown cosplay and I got them yay ~  Outside was little cold when we go to take them (about -16 ) But little cold didn't stop us!

I really want start some next year cosplays,but fufufu I don't have time/money ( T ^ T ) However, then I can't decide which to start,derp. I also have planed to do Rin's Senbonzakura version to next year. But I don't do it to con. It just only plan.. ~

But yeah here is some photos from photoshooting ~

I may need to style Ren wig a little more. And thinking mooooore about make-up. I'm so bad to put make up. ^^'''

And Riiiin ~ this is one my favorite picture from photoshooting ~ (^▽^)


  1. Uusi lukija ilmoittautuu! ^^ Tulet Frostbiteen Reninä? Tulen itsekin Frostiin, eli varaudu siihen että joku hullu fanityttö voi tulla kuvaamaan... :DD UtaPrince on ihan mahtava anime!

    1. Hei ~
      Kyllä olen frostiin tulossa Reninä sekä Mikaze Ai:na. Siellä näemme sitten xD
      Ja se on!

  2. Nuo on niin hienoja cosseja! ja hienot kuvat kanssa, kuvaajallekkin pisteet!

  3. Ren is a great character. 8D
    Pretty photos!

  4. nyt oli niin hyvä kuvaaja että huhhu, ok oon hiljaa. Mut joo, saatii kyl noist kuvista tosi hyvännäkösii, pakko myöntää uwu !


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Photoshooting ~