Tracon tracon!

Tracon was this weekend. I have sooo much fun and I saw my friends ~ Now I'm so tired I don't write a lot to this blog.
But on Saturday I cosplayed from Kuroshitsuji II with my friend. I cosplayed Alois and my friend Hannah.
We didn't take any photos of those cosplays,maybe some day I but some picture if I find it from someone.
: D
On Sunday I cosplayed Otoya Ittoki from Uta no prince-sama. (Debut version) I was so amazed people took pictures of my cosplay. But someone knew I cosplayed Ittoki's debut version TuT
Well maybe utapri is not so popular in Finland? Well I'm not sure but yeah.
I have so much fun! And thanks for all who was there! :3 I was little lazy take pictures : /

Here is some picture. I have only some random hotel picture of my Alois cosplay xD


  1. Oh, I saw you! I recognize seeing that red-black-gold costume, I thought it looked cool. XD
    I think I saw you as Alois too.. unless there were others cosplaying him too.

    1. I saw you too. : D And thanks ~ :3
      Yeah there was many alois cosplayer.

  2. Oi, oli kyllä tosi hienot cossit! Harmi etten nähny sua montaa kertaa, ja erityisesti taidekujalla. Olis varmaan ollut kiva nähdä Ittoki siellä pöydän takana >8DD

    1. Kiitos! :3 Jep D: olis ollut kiva sinunkin kanssa jutella paremmin kasvotusten,mutta jos sitten frostissa paremmin? xD
      Hahaha,niin xD

    2. No joo, katsotaan jos vaikka pääsenkin Frostiin x3 Siellä sitten ehdottomasti paremmin! (Tosin et menetä mitään. En osaa puhua kunnolla kasvotusten. 8D)

    3. Ei se mitään : D kuitenkin sitä juttua tulee ~ :3


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