Something is done?

Hi everyone!

This weekend is yukicon and I'm pretty exited! My cosplays for yukicon is done,surprise. I'm going to cosplay Sitori on Saturday and on Sunday Armin. I need fix a little bit my Sitori costume. But is Armin xD

I really hated do those belt thinks asdf xD 
+ I realized shoes stems are too long. ; o : 

Also I have started do Taiga Kagami for Kuroko no basket. Kagami cosplay was a little surprise for me,because first I didn't have any plans do it. So I'm going to cosplay Kagami at desucon frostbite. My other plans for frostbite are Rory from teahouse comic and snow miku 2014 version. I hope I have time do snow miku. For Rory I don't have to do much for his costume. 

fabrics for Taiga ~ 

Wigs for Taiga and Rory. I really love Taiga's wig ~ *u* 


  1. Armin T-T Se on niin hieno ja sä tuut näyttää niin siltä. Haluan ottaa susta kuvia T-T

    1. Wäää kiitos ~ <3 ;3:
      (tajusin,kun olin saanut remmit tehtyä,että sivulta puuttu noi ihmeen läpyskät,siis lantion kohdalta. Mut laiskana jaskana en jaksanut enään niitä tehdä siihen. xD )


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