Yukicon ~

Yesterday I was lazy to write anything about Yukicon,but today I try write something,hah!
On Saturday I woke up at seven. Then I start look the rest of thinks what I took with me to Yukicon,I cosplayed Sitori. Fortunately,my cousin's mother was able to throw me in Espoo. I was at con place about 9:45,then I waited alone outside. 

First toddles on my own, but then I met Papui ~ I was asked to Hallcosplay competition. It was nice when I was asked to join the competition. At first I didn't nervous anything,but when I had to go backstage,began to come a bit of excitement. (this was my second time in competition.) At backstage was really nice people and talking with them eased a little bit of excitement. Before hallcosplay was beginners and more experienced competition. I was the third the last went on the stage. When was my turn go to stage I was so nervous. When I walked onto the stage, I felt somehow clumsy. Felt like a deer in the headlights xD. 
But I survived,wuhuuu! xDD 

 Feel like I look tired in all the pics ;o:

We're so sexy with Papui xD 

After competition me and papui walked around the con place. I was so tired,we went to floor accommodation place. (before that we go to subway) After we had eat,we start look where floor accommodation place is. First we got lost,but lucky two people told us where we have to go. We both were tired and our stuff began to sound like it. I didn't sleep well at night,my stomach hurt etc. 

Then Sunday come. We start pack our stuff and to put our costumes on. I cosplayed Armin. When we were ready,we started to walk to con place. I looked so tired whole day. We had a little snk photoshooting with our friends. We had so much fun,outside was a little cold take photos so we go to the library take some photos. The clock began to approach three, me and Papui went to change out of the cosplays and headed to the bus stop. 

Whole day was something like this... xD 

I had so much fun at Yukicon! Maybe next year I'll go. And some photos,only snk photos. Because didn't take any photos of Sitori ^^'


  1. Sitori on aina yhtä miehinen <3 se vaan sopii sulle niin hyvin!
    ja Armin voi tuituitui se on ihana! awawawa tahtoo cossia sun kanssa SnK ;3;

    1. Kyllä sitori on tosi mies <3 Oih kiitos ;u:
      Awawawawa meidän täytyy! ;3: <3


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