
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on helmikuu, 2013.

Desucon Frostbite!

Desucon Frostbite was in the weekend. It was awesome and I met my old friends and I also got new friends.  I had to take pictures,but I didn't take so many D: . But anyway I had a lot of fun,well now I'm very tired. That's why I don't write much about this con. Next con is Desucon in summer. I need make 3 cosplay there. (Judal,Asato and Kirito) Uguu thanks for all   ~ (^∇^) I didn't have any good pictures of my cosplay ^^' but here is one "uguuu Ren" picture xD And now my Ren's cosplay hat name is Hat-chan.

Judal cosplay ~

After a long time I write something here. So I have sewn my Judal cosplay,only shirt because have little problem with pants. (actually with formulas) And I have done one arm jewel think,actually it was test.. Need buy more fabric and ribbon + other little thinks for that cosplay ~ But here is some pictures of the shirt and that arm jewel.   Sewing arm jewel think And here is done arm jewel think. What you guys think?  Now shirt....  My cat want help me too...     It look little derp on me xD  Next I need do pants and that white think + another arm jewel and course that necklace.  ( ^∇^ )